Wonderful! Weirdly this was the first Substack I have actually listened to. Spooky! Keep talking because you read so well and I will always opt to hear you from now on! I particularly loved the Bromley Odeon conversation

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Oooh, what made you click the audio button this time?

Substack doesn’t give any specific metrics on how many people listen to the audio so I have no idea how many people actually use it. I’ll keep doing it though. This time was painful but nowhere near as bad as the first one. Hopefully it’ll keep getting easier. x

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I’m sure it will get easier. I had a pile of ironing and was about to turn to a podcast but then thought I would try something on Substack and your post popped up, very fortuitous

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Oh how I love this!

Lots of knowing chuckles here…it’s funny, I don’t mind hearing my voice but all the struggles you mention I feel intensely. It’s around just having any kind of voice, opinion or sense of self.

For example, the other week, I did a Masterclass, (haha one of those things that those dastardly courses say is the be all and end all), and I can get myself into such a resourceful state before and during…but after….oh the backlash, the contraction.

For a couple of days afterwards the ‘voices’ are so violent - “Who do you think you are?!/Get back in your box/Everyone is laughing at you/You’re shit.” I know that as I keep doing the reps and proving to my body that there is absolutely nothing to fear, and that I’m not going to get into trouble, the contraction will last less and less, but my God, it’s excruciating.

I love how you, me and so many others are keeping on with working through the discomfort and I’m grateful for this Substack community, where it feels like a supportive environment to do that whilst I learn how to cycle without stabilizers.

You were absolutely wrong about one thing thing though: you have a lovely voice.

Just brilliant writing, as always, Miranda.


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I think I should take your Masterclass, Suzy. Will you ever do one for non-brides?

And yeah—stabilisers. They were weird things. I had stabilisers on my bike for one day but they were so unstable—the didn’t both touch the ground at once and kept tipping me to one side then the other—they were removed. Maybe there’s a metaphor in there for the crutches we use but which really hold us back? You know how I love a good metaphor!

That would NOT mean the Substack community though. The support in this place is fabulous. Maybe it’s more about leaning too heavily on other people’s approval when we need to learn to trust our own worth? Or summat like that.

Love you, Substack Suzy! ❤️

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Trusting our own worth…ahhh ain’t that the journey hey. Trusting our intuition, trusting our selves and our gifts…

I’d love you to be at one of my masterclasses! I definitely want to open it up at some point but would really love to crack the code for the wedding speech genre first for some reason. Maybe bc like Substack, it feels like a more playful space to hang out.

Love you to Miranda! 🤓✨💫🪄

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I just listened to your audio recorded version and loved it! This post caught my eye because I'm based in South London too, and it didn't cross my mind what it was referring to, but the nostalgia hit as I remembered that type of phone line too! Thank you ☺️

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Hey, Miriam! I kind of miss that personal touch of individual information lines. It sounds SO archaic now.

I don’t know which pet of South London you’re in but wonder if you might remember the local adverts that used to play in cinemas too? The ones that were produced, I presume, by a professional production company and sold to local businesses around the country who’d then slap their own logo and VO on at the end? A kind of clip art for advertising?

The one that still sticks in my memory and which my partner and family still quote was for a local Ford car dealership “Peacocks of Balham”. I’d LOVE to find a copy of that now.

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Omg that sounds amazing! I can't bring that to mind, don't know if I've forgotten or if I missed it (I'm an '87 baby - I was wondering if 'omg' revealed that or if it's universal 😂)

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OMG indeed—you’re probably too young, Miriam! I’ve got a solid 12 years on you. This memory is probably from being about 9-10 when I lived in Balham area. Maybe they’d been phased out by the time you were of cinema going age?

I’m still determined to find it. One day someone will upload an archive copy to YouTube, I’m sure.

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Yes yes yes!

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I’ve spent far too long this morning going down a cinema ad rabbit hole. I haven’t found the one I want yet but I’ll let you know if I do.

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